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Random account deletes.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Random account deletes.

My last account, "phoenixfkk" just disappeared. I had heard people complain about this happening to them and always just assumed they did something to get deleted until it happened to me.

If I search for that username, it says it doesn't exist, but if I try to recreate my account, it says it already exists.

I took alot of time to get my profile fully filled out, had just started getting to know people in the chat room, and had done nothing rude or s----l. I did have a nude profile picture, but I thought that was allowed here?

If I search for that username, it says it doesn't exist, but if I try to recreate my account, it says it already exists.

If usernames were case sensitive, my current alternate ID would work, but I entered it as, "FKKinPhoenix." But, in all lowercase letters, it sounds like something rude, so I guess I'll start over again.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Profiles are not deleted 'randomly'.

Profiles are deleted for any of the reasons spelled out on the 'TERMS' page, linked at the bottom of each page of the site.

We do not give reasons for individual account deletions.

Nude photos are allowed on Nudist Passions, although overtly s----l images...or images with a focus primarily on the genitals are not allowed.

As to the issue with your username...once an account is deleted, the username is no longer available.

This is to prevent someone from signing up and pretending to be a former member.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`"We do not give reasons for individual account deletions." other words, there is no accountability, and no way to monitor for abuses.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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As we said, accounts are not deleted 'randomly'.

There is accountability, in that accounts are only deleted for reasons spelled out on the TERMS page, linked at the bottom of the site.

We do not give reasons to individual members about specific account deletions for the following reason...our 100% free network is a target for spammers/scammers who are actively trying to target our members.

Over 30% of daily registrations are deleted because of violations of the TOS (Terms of Service) spelled out on the TERMS page.

If we were to tell each member exactly what they did wrong, it would take about a week for huge numbers of 'bad apples' to slowly 'get it right' and manage to set up accounts that do not violate the TERMS.

While you would think they might just take the time to read the rules, you would be wrong. Most don't have english as their first language, and even when they do, there are still a number of restrictions that they try to get around (in particular they like to lie about their locations).

(mossytrail) We are confused by your constant complaints about a system that is set up SOLELY to protect the members of this network from attacks by spammers and scammers.

While you might think the restrictions are too strict, you would likely not think so if you saw the daily onslaught of fraudulent accounts that people attempt to set up in the network.

We will continue to work on ways to lessen the chances that non-spamming/non-scamming members will be caught in a filter within our system...but since our network is 100% free, it will always have stricter filters than sites that use membership charges as ways to help filter out the 'bad apples'.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

feedback wrote: (mossytrail) We are confused by your constant complaints about a system that is set up SOLELY to protect the members of this network from attacks by spammers and scammers.

I am not surprised you'd be confused; I find that people who set up rules and regulations generally consider themselves so obviously benevolent, they get confused when someone else sees another side to it.

Let me spell it out for you: I have learned over and over again in life that EVERYONE who sets up rules and regulations, no matter how reasonable or unreasonable, how altruistic or self-serving, ALWAYS claims it is "solely to protect" other people. At every turn, I meet people who tell me they are putting restrictions on me "solely to protect" me from this or that danger, or maybe even from myself. Even if most of them mean well, even if many of them are telling the truth, I find enough who are just using that as a cover story, I have to be wary of all of them. The best way to protect myself from the abuse of power, I have found, is to challenge authority, by pointing out how they are adversely affecting those they seek to "protect." If they truly are well-meaning and altruistic, they will take my challenge under consideration and address it; if they get angry about it, then I know they were the self-serving kind all along.

Live was I ere I saw evil
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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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Since you seem to be asking that we not protect you in any way, please take a moment to visit the BLOCK MANAGEMENT area within your account.

If you would like to un-lock any restrictions on who can contact you, just update your default country-level contact options to allow contact from every country. You will have to select the check box for each country manually. (Most members do not wish to allow contact from every other country, so we have not added a 'select all' option.)

Please note that this option has been available to you all along.



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

feedback wrote: Since you seem to be asking that we not protect you in any way,

I suppose I should have expected to be misunderstood in my intent. I find I just don't live on the same planet as a lot of ppl do. I was not asking that you not protect me; those "constant complaints" you mentioned were rather the result of not seeing how a specific rule protected me, and/or, a feeling that that particular rule put an inconvenience on me that outweighed the protection. Still with me? Good. My entire explanation above was meant to explain why I do not simply take people's word for it when they claim to be "solely" trying to protect me; I was explaining that I have to sift or filter all such people, to determine which ones really mean well, and which are just control freaks.

Since you took the time to explain what goes on "behind the scenes," and to clear up a confusion I had, that speaks well of your intent.

Surely you have met people who make rules you consider unreasonable? Surely you do not just assume every rule-maker always has your best interests at heart? If you do, then you are bound to get used sooner or later, and again and again. You have to test everyone's intent, to see if they really do mean well.

Live was I ere I saw evil
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